Sunday, March 29, 2020

Chemistry Nobel Prize

Chemistry Nobel PrizeThe Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were selected by the Swedish Chemistry Society and the Nobel Foundation. In the earlier years the winners were appointed by the royal family of Sweden, but since the second world war there has been no longer any royal family.But during those times the Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were often given their award by members of the royal family of Sweden. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have been given this prestigious award in Stockholm, by members of the Royal Chemistry Society. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have to be nominated by an existing chemist and this is the biggest honor that the Chemistry Nobel Prize winner can attain.Chemistry Nobel Prizes were first awarded by a Swedish society in 1880. It was because of this that many scientists from various parts of the world had started to consider this as a great honor. And nowadays almost every Nobel Prize winner is from the nations that are known for producing some of the gr eatest chemist in the world. These chemists have done the research which has led to the creation of some of the world's most important medical drugs.Some of the more famous chemists who have won the Chemistry Nobel Prize are Louis Pasteur, Walter Gilbert and Linus Pauling. A Chemistry Nobel Prize winner is also called a Nobel Laureate. As this award is given to a very few people out of the many millions of chemists in the world it is also called the Nobel Prizes Heritage Prize.There are millions of American laureates who are said to be still waiting for this major honor. The award can be bestowed at any time and this is usually arranged well in advance.The Chemistry Nobel Prize is not given in a single year, rather it is given over several years. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners are then appointed by the member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have to make sure that they have the time to visit Sweden and present their awards. It is quite co mmon that the winners will also have to attend a meeting after the presentation of the award.The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1908. Since then it has been increasing in importance and prestige. This is the kind of prestige that any chemist would like to have.

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