Sunday, March 29, 2020

Chemistry Nobel Prize

Chemistry Nobel PrizeThe Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were selected by the Swedish Chemistry Society and the Nobel Foundation. In the earlier years the winners were appointed by the royal family of Sweden, but since the second world war there has been no longer any royal family.But during those times the Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were often given their award by members of the royal family of Sweden. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have been given this prestigious award in Stockholm, by members of the Royal Chemistry Society. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have to be nominated by an existing chemist and this is the biggest honor that the Chemistry Nobel Prize winner can attain.Chemistry Nobel Prizes were first awarded by a Swedish society in 1880. It was because of this that many scientists from various parts of the world had started to consider this as a great honor. And nowadays almost every Nobel Prize winner is from the nations that are known for producing some of the gr eatest chemist in the world. These chemists have done the research which has led to the creation of some of the world's most important medical drugs.Some of the more famous chemists who have won the Chemistry Nobel Prize are Louis Pasteur, Walter Gilbert and Linus Pauling. A Chemistry Nobel Prize winner is also called a Nobel Laureate. As this award is given to a very few people out of the many millions of chemists in the world it is also called the Nobel Prizes Heritage Prize.There are millions of American laureates who are said to be still waiting for this major honor. The award can be bestowed at any time and this is usually arranged well in advance.The Chemistry Nobel Prize is not given in a single year, rather it is given over several years. The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners are then appointed by the member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners have to make sure that they have the time to visit Sweden and present their awards. It is quite co mmon that the winners will also have to attend a meeting after the presentation of the award.The Chemistry Nobel Prize winners were awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1908. Since then it has been increasing in importance and prestige. This is the kind of prestige that any chemist would like to have.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to choose the right TEFL course for you

How to choose the right TEFL course for you Congrats, you've made the life-changing decision toteachEnglish abroad! But before you start packing your suitcase for this exciting new chapter in your life, there is one thing you’ll need to get to set yourself up for success: a TEFL certificate. In case you need a refresher, TEFL stands for teaching English as a foreign language. Completing a TEFL course from a reputable program shows prospective employers that 1) you’re committed to teaching English to the best of your abilities, and 2) you’re fully qualified and equipped to lead an ESL classroom. Indeed, without a valid TEFL certificate, many schools abroad will pass over your teaching application without a second glance. Needless to say, we strongly recommend that you enroll in and complete a TEFL course! But choosing a TEFL program from the thousands availableâ€"both online and in-personâ€"is a challenge in itself. To help you sift through the myriad available programs, we’ve put together a few of the best practices for choosing a TEFL course. Find a program designed by a reputable institution As you well know, anyone can make a website in this day and age. So, when you’re searching for a TEFL course, it’s important to do your research about any potential program. There is no formal accrediting body for TEFL, so organizations are free to create a course, put it onlineand charge a fee. But that leaves you facingthe very big question: which organizations can you trust, and which should you ignore? First things first, we suggest you take a look at who backs the course and who designed it. If a world-renowned university puts their name behind a TEFL courseâ€"â€"like the University of Toronto OISE or the University of California, Berkeleyâ€"â€"puts their name behind a TEFL course, then you can be sure you are going to receive a quality education and get the most bang for your buck. Avoid taking the quick and easy route On a related note, if a TEFL course promises to certify you in less than 100 hours, steer clear! To achieve full TEFL certification, the minimum standard is 100 hours of experience, which spans the lessons, coursework, and teaching practicum. While some countries may differ in their ESL teacher requirements, like China, for instance, you will be severely limiting your options by enrolling in a TEFL program that promises to certify you in less than 100 hours. However, many schools abroad require their ESL teachers to hold a TEFL certification from a 120-hour course. So, even a 100-hour program isn’t necessarily the prudent choice. In fact, our TEFL course developed with the International House UC Berkeley only offers a120-hour option. Furthermore, you get what you pay for with TEFL courses. If you select a shockingly low-priced, 40-hour course, it’s unlikely you will be in any shape to teach an ESL class by its completion. Holding a TEFL certificate does not mean you are ready to lead a classroom full of children who are dependant on you to guide and lead them through the language learning process. But taking a proper course and completing the necessary hours required will better prepare you to take on this daunting but rewarding challenge. Our humble suggestion is to be fair (and kind!) to yourself and your future students and take the time to invest and research the TEFL course that’s right for you. Select a TEFL program to match your lifestyle Gone are the days of TEFL courses taught only in person. In today’s world, prospective ESL teachers have a trio of program options: in-person in their home country, in-person in a foreign country (usually where they intend on teaching English), or online. So, if you prefer to learn in a classroom environment, that option is certainly open to you. After all, many TEFL students appreciate the structure of in-person lessons and interacting face-to-face with other students and their teacher. However, for individuals who can’t commit to attending a scheduled class, online courses offer the opportunity to complete your TEFL course on your own time and even when you are working on your bachelor's degree. While many of these online programs do require an in-person practicum, the majority of the hours can be completed at your leisure from the comfort of home. Ultimately, TEFL courses that are 100% online offer the most flexibility and are the easiest to fit into your schedule. They’re also self-paced, which means you can decide how quickly or slowly you complete the coursework. If you’re in the mood for an adventure, you can even get TEFL-certified overseas! Many prospective students opt to become certified in the country where they would prefer to teach English. It’s an excellent way to gain firsthand knowledge of the culture and daily life, forge connections with local schools, and decide whether they want to commit to living in that country for the duration of an ESL teaching contract. Examine the curriculum of each TEFL course So, you’ve found a TEFL course that matches your lifestyle and learning preferences. What could there possibly be left to do? Well, we recommend taking a long, detailed look at your TEFL course’s curriculum before hitting that sign-up button. To become a confident and successful ESL teacher, you should learn the following items during your TEFL program: How to plan lessons for ESL students The responsibilities of an ESL teacher Ways to manage an ESL classroom How to teach reading, writing, grammar, speaking, and pronunciation ESL teaching resources to use with students (ex. games and group activities) Methods for navigating cultural differences Best practices for being an effective English teacher in an ESL classroom setting Also, consider what aspects of teaching English abroad interest you most. Some courses have an added focus on developing skills for living and working in a global setting. For instance, the TEFL course from International House UC Berkeley includes six modules on international teaching and global effectiveness. Meanwhile, other TEFL courses offer the option to specialize in specific regions or types of students. For example, if you know that you’d like to teach English in China to kindergarten students, the OISE TEFL course gives you the option to take elective modules in Teaching English to Mandarin Speakers and Teaching English to Young Learners (among other specializations). Read the reviews from past participants Still feeling unsure about a prospective TEFL course? Check out their online reviews! There are several websites that offer moderated directories of reviews from past participants in TEFL programs, offered both online and in-person.TEFL Course Reviewand GoAbroadis usually a good place to start, followed by a quick Google search to find additional reviews. Now that you know how to find the TEFL course that’s right for you, it’s time to actually take the next step and enroll. Soon enough, you’ll be on your way to teaching English all over the world!

5 great ways to help pay for college - TutorNerds

5 great ways to help pay for college - TutorNerds Tips From a Private Los Angeles College Tutor: 5 great ways to help pay for college A university education gets more expensive with each passing year, and so every student could use some help. Some students will be responsible for their entire tuition and living expenses while other students will have an education subsidized by their parents. Regardless, students can always use the extra money, and there are lots of great ways to help pay for college. However, students will need to do a lot of research ahead of time, fill out ample paperwork, and make sure that any financial aid they receive is entirely organized. Students also need to find out what their repayment schedule will be for student loans, so they dont end up in a bad situation upon graduation. 1. Government loans Government loans, such as FAFSA, are some of the most popular but not every student will qualify. Students are encouraged to research these programs well in advance of starting college or even before they fill out applications to see if they might qualify. Most government loans are based on the student’s household income and they will have to gather a ton of information before they can complete the forms. 2.   Private student loans Students who dont qualify for government loans, or who need to subsidize their education further, may be able to take out a private loan from a bank or credit union. Its essential that students shop around and make sure theyre getting the best rates so they are able to make their payments once they graduate. Students who get a bad rate will find themselves paying off interest-only payments before they can even touch the principal and too much debt can stop them from buying a car or home later on. 3.   Financial aid directly from the university Many universities, especially private institutions, offer financial aid directly to the student. This will also be based on the student’s household income so they will need to keep all that information they gathered to fill out their FAFSA form. Each university will have a slightly different system as to who will qualify and for how much. Its a good idea for students to talk to the university they decide to attend to see if theyre likely to qualify for financial aid at any point during their education. 4.   Scholarships There are tons of scholarships available to college students, perhaps more than most students imagine, but they need to do a lot of research. There are larger scholarships in amounts of $5K to $10K or more, which are extremely competitive but there are also smaller scholarships that start at $250 and go up to around $2,000. Students might be able to write an essay and get enough money to pay for a semester of textbooks or get several scholarships and pay for part of their tuition. There is a lot of information available online but students need to be extremely organized to make sure they’re meeting each deadline and that their application qualifies before they put in too much work writing essays and filling out endless forms. 5.   Part-time work Its also a great idea for students to have a part-time job on campus. On-campus, employers are going to be more flexible than any other when it comes to a student’s schedule, and students can work more or less depending on whether not they have midterms or finals. Additionally, some students will be able to work as a residence hall assistant or a research assistant depending on what year theyre currently in. Part-time jobs can make a huge difference in a student’s ability to pay for college. Still applying to college? Our experienced Los Angeles college admissions consultants are here to help. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Bohr Model Chemistry - Learn How to Use Your Textbooks

Bohr Model Chemistry - Learn How to Use Your TextbooksBohr model chemistry is a popular method for chemistry lessons. It is a textbook that consists of twenty-eight chapters written by Karl Bohr and published in the prestigious Pergamon Press. If you are interested in chemistry, you will definitely find this book to be helpful. Before you proceed, though, you should know how the whole process works.The main aim of this book is to help you understand the principles of atoms, molecules, atoms, and gases. These principles are written in simple language, so that you do not need to be an expert on the subject to understand them. In other words, it does not require any prior knowledge. This helps you to understand things in a less complicated way. It also makes things much easier for your students to understand.A textbook on model chemistry will also help you to apply the theory to real life. The chapters have been carefully written so that you can easily use them with your classroom or ev en your laboratory. This will allow you to develop skills that will serve you well throughout your career.The first section of the book is entitled, 'The Science of Batteries and Cells.' This is a chapter that contains a series of stories that discuss the theoretical principles. In these stories, we will see different aspects of what is involved in the use of these concepts in everyday life.You should also note that the following section is titled, 'Method of Atomic Motion.' It provides information about atomic force, magnetic force, atomic weight, weight and volume, and more. For example, you will read about the use of air molecules to carry heavy weights, about atoms that have tails, about the kinetic energy of electrons, and the effect of the gravitational field on an electron.You can actually use the Bohr model chemistry with your students in a classroom setting. You can provide your students with handouts and calculators so that they can do some math assignments. You can even u se the topics mentioned above in your laboratory settings. For example, if you want to teach children about the concept of heat, you can use the gravity force in your lab.Overall, using this system of textbooks and notes is the best way to learn chemistry yourself. You can actually do experiments on the principles of atomic and molecular structure, and the concepts mentioned above, so that you will be able to use them on your own at home. There are also online tools that you can use to ensure that your learning materials will be kept up to date.

How to Become a Good Tutor

How to Become a Good TutorThere are several ways on how to become a good tutor. You can enroll at a teaching college and take lessons or you can simply study in private. Either way, the most important thing is to have a passion for what you do.The first step in becoming a good tutor is finding out what kind of tutor you want to be. Some people want to tutor children while others like working with adults. Do you want to become a high school teacher? This is a very important step. There are many things that you need to know when it comes to working as a high school teacher.After becoming a tutor, you will need to start taking classes as soon as possible. If you would like to get a degree in education, then you must start by taking a number of classes like honors or general education. There are plenty of colleges that offer pre-college programs for those who are interested in this field.It's also a good idea to look into tutoring services. These services offer additional coaching along with tutoring. They will help you manage your class schedule, homework assignments, and even give you additional counseling if needed.Going back to the decision you make regarding what type of tutoring service you would like to work with. How much time do you have to devote to tutoring? It's a good idea to figure out if you can afford a tutor. You'll need to find out how much you can spend every month. By keeping that in mind, you will be able to see what kind of tutoring services would fit into your budget.You will also need to consider what kind of payback you would be looking for when you're working with a tutoring service. Sometimes a tutor is more than just a person helping you learn. You may want to see if the person you are working with has any affiliations with companies that offer tutoring services. For example, there may be an academic association or a tutoring association that is associated with your area.It can be hard to become a good tutor, but if you have the right mi ndset and motivation, you can do it. You should also consider all the requirements necessary for getting into a tutoring school. This is part of the educational process. With some extra studying and tutoring experience, you could be a great tutor one day.

How To Solve Ratios

How To Solve Ratios Definition: -The relation between two quantities (both of the same kind and in the same unit) obtained by dividing one quantity by the other, is called ratio.Therefore ration between two quantities x and y both of the same kind and in the same unit, is x / y and is often written as x: y (read as x to y or x is to y). For example: - i) The ration between 5 kg and 15 kg = 5 kg / 15 kg = 1 / 3 = 1 : 3 ii) The ratio between 800 gm. and 1.2 kg = 800 gm. / 1200 gm. = 2/3 =2:3 Question 1: The strength of a class is 50; out of which 30 are boys and rest are girls. Find the ratio between the number of boys and the number of girls in the class. Solution: -Since, the strength of the class = 50 And, the number of boys in the class = 30 The number of girls in the class = 50 30 Therefore Required ratio = (No. of boys in the class) / (No. of girls in the class) = 30 / 20 = 3 / 2 = 3: 2 Question 2: -A mans monthly income is $1,500 out of which he spends $ 1, 250 every month. Find the ratio between his saving and expenditure. Solution: - Since, the monthly income of the man =$ 1,500 And, his monthly expenditure = $ 1,250 His saving per month = $ 1,500 - $ 1,250 =$ 250

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher

What Makes a Good Voice Teacher Suzy S. Finding the right vocal coach is an important factor for your success when it comes to singing lessons. You need someone who will encourage and motivate you, but also provide the right feedback and guidance. Read on as Glendale teacher Ariel P. shares what shes learned from her own mentors When I was in graduate school my teacher had a new “tool” every week.  At first I thought the tools were amazing and I could not believe the level of her creativity.  How could she come up with a new “tool” and cute name every single week?  I would go into my lesson and she would say something like, “We’re going to do the Dolphin today.  Oh I’ve never showed you the Dolphin before?  Well just take this rolled up towel, lay on the floor, and put it under your lower back.  This will ease your lower back tension.” The only problem was that I did not suffer from lower back tension.  Other students had that problem, but not me.  I had other issues that manifested themselves into lower back tension, which were never addressed because she was too busy finding new “tools” and insisting that every single student use them, regardless of if it worked for them or not.  This teacher was not truly listening and diagnosing problems that could have been easily fixed.  She was generalizing and assuming that everyone suffered from the same issues. Since graduating, I have found a voice teacher that not only listens but empathizes.  His ear is refined enough to quickly diagnose the root of the problem.  He has a bag of “tools” that he uses as needed and when appropriate.  If he finds that one approach is not working, then he will attempt something else to achieve the desired result.   But the most important element is that the lesson is tailored to my individual needs. The lesson is also based on my own feedback and experience.  Because of this, I am able to self-diagnose even outside the lesson and I am better equipped to help students of my own. When teaching students, I have my own “tools” to pool from. To begin with, I like to teach what are called “vocal function exercises.”  These are a series of sounds on the letters m, ng, v, z, th, and n that help teach the different muscles in the mouth, throat and diaphragm to behave in coordination.  For example, if a student is having tension in the strap muscles (the muscles running parallel to the larynx, on either side of the neck, running down into the shoulders and chest), I would have them vocalize on z with a passive airflow.  When this is done correctly, it releases all of the tension from these muscles and allows for the diaphragm to do the work instead of the neck muscles.  Once this is established, I turn z into a vocal exercise to apply the new coordination.  Then I apply that to the most difficult part of the song the student is singing at the time.  This is how I break down the lessons for the betterment of the student. Be aware of the tools that work for you! With the right voice teacher, he or she will be able to help you with this. Ariel P. teaches singing, Broadway singing, opera voice and speaking voice lessons to students of all ages in Glendale, CA. She received her Masters degree in Voice from the University of Southern California, and joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Ariel, or search for a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by familymwr